Mentor FAQs

Thank you to all of our awesome mentors!

What is expected from a DRP mentor?

The central part of your role as a DRP mentor will be to meet with your undergraduate mentee on a weekly basis to discuss mathematics. This can mean working through portions of a book, reading a paper, or working on a problem together. Weekly meetings should be at least an hour long. During meetings you should help answer questions mentees might have about their reading. Additionally, mentors need to attend a meet-and-greet information session at the beginning of the program, and help their mentees prepare a short poster about their work at the end of Spring quarter.

What kind of projects are suitable for the DRP?

Something as simple as reading an introductory book to your field of study would be a great DRP project! Reading a paper accessible to undergraduates is also a good idea. Although the goal of DRP is not to conduct research, working in a research project with your mentee would be super exciting too. A good idea when proposing projects in the application form is to think of a couple projects for people with different mathematical backgrounds (someone who has just taken Math 8 and then someone who has been through a wide range of upper division classes).

I already meet on a weekly basis with an undergrad, can we join the DRP?

Yes! In the application form both you and your mentee can specify they would like to work with each other. Having your meetings being part of the Directed Reading Program will give both of you the additional benefit of being part a nation-wide established program. There will also be events in which you and your mentee can share your work and experiences with other DRP participants.

I am a post-doc/assistant professor, can I still be a DRP mentor?

Yes! Both graduate students and all junior faculty are welcome to be DRP mentors.

Anything else I should know?

Being a DRP mentor is a great way of sharing your knowledge and experience with an enthusiastic person who is beginning their journey into higher math. Participating in this program is an excellent evidence of service to the mathematical community!

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