Mentee FAQs

Some common questions and their answers.

What is expected from a DRP mentee?

The central part of your role as a DRP mentee will be to do independent study each week (2-4 hours) and meet with your mentor on a weekly basis to discuss mathematics. Weekly meetings with your mentor will be at least an hour long. During these you can ask any questions that might pop up about your reading! Additionally, mentees must attend the meet-and-greet information session at the beginning of the program to sign the community agreement, and make a poster about their work for display in the poster presentation at the end of Spring quarter.

What kind of projects does DRP offer?

Each DRP mentor has a list of possible reading projects that are suitable for undergraduate students. Most will involve reading through a textbook on a math topic that you probably haven't seen in your classes but that should be accessible to you after working through some background material. In contrast with a Research Experience for Undergraduates, conducting research is not the main goal of the DRP, though some of the mentors may have research projects accesible to you.

I already meet on a weekly basis to talk about math with a mentor, can we join the DRP?

Yes! In the application form both you and your mentor can specify they would like to work with each other. Having your meetings be part of the Directed Reading Program will give both of you the additional benefit of being part a nation-wide established program, as well as funding for the poster presentation. There will also be events in which you and your mentor can share your work and experiences.

I am not a mathematics major, can I still apply?

Yes! Anyone with a major in a math-related field is welcome to apply.

Anything else I should know?

The DRP is designed to allow undergraduates to get a feeling for advanced mathematics. This could help you answer questions like "what is math grad school like?", "is math research right for me?", or simply "what is it like to read math on your own?". Having individual time with a mentor is a great opportunity to deepen your understanding and enjoyment of mathematics!